Anxious in Beirut

In the ever-present desire to capture, record, and understand Beirut, and by extension himself, Zakaria has been trying to give a coherent story to his city. It is through the intersectionality between the general & the personal, the public & private, the old & young, that we are able to answer: why are we anxious in Beirut?

Director’s biography

Zakaria Jaber is a multi-talented director with a diverse range of skills and experiences that he himself developed and have shaped his career. Zakaria is a photographer and videographer with a commitment to master visual storytelling, editing, and writing. On the 17th of October 2019, as Zakaria was covering the first protests that led to the recent Lebanese revolution he captured one of the most famous photographs that was spread nation-wide and internationally over social media platforms and online and print publications.

Anxious in Beirut is his first documentary where he establishes himself as an accomplished director capable of delivering compelling and impactful visual narratives. The film won the best documentary award in Shanghai Film festival.

Screening Date & Time

August 17, 2023
10:00 pm
Royal Film Commission (RFC)
August 18, 2023
10:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
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Anxious in Beirut - Poster
Director: Zakaria Jaber
Genre: Feature length documentary
Year: 2023
Duration: 93 minutes
Rating: 18+
Country: Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Spain
Language: Arabic (Lebanon)
Subtitling: English
Screenplay: Zakaria Jaber, Jumana Saadeh, Omar Layza, Yehia Jaber
Cast: Zakaria Jaber, Yehia Jaber, Nour Hajjar, Farah Darwish, Nazih Osta.
Cinematography: Zakaria Jaber & Ahmad Trabulsi
Editing: Zakaria Jaber
Production: Jumana Saadeh
Awards: Golden Goblet – best documentary – Shanghai International Film Festival – 2023
Début Status: Jordanian Première, Arab Première
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Anxious in Beirut - Poster
 السنة: 2023
  التصنيف: 18+