Terms and conditions for buying film tickets

Ticket Purchase: By purchasing a film ticket, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein.

Ticket Validity: Film tickets are valid only for the specified film, date, time, and venue mentioned on the ticket.

Ticket Availability: Tickets are subject to availability and may sell out. It is recommended to purchase tickets in advance to secure your desired seats.

Ticket Delivery: Tickets may be delivered electronically via email and in the user’s profile on the website, or they may be available for collection at a designated ticketing kiosk. The specific delivery method will be determined by the cinema or ticketing platform.

Ticket Refunds and Exchanges: Ticket refunds or exchanges are subject to the policies of the cinema or ticketing platform. In some cases, tickets may be non-refundable or non-transferable. It is recommended to review the refund and exchange policies before making a purchase.

Entry and Seating: A valid ticket grants you entry to the film screening. Seating is typically on a first-come, first-served basis unless otherwise specified. Late arrivals may result in restricted entry or seat allocation.

Prohibited Actions: While attending a film screening, you must comply with the cinema’s rules and regulations. This includes refraining from activities that may disrupt the screening or violate any applicable laws. Such activities may lead to removal from the premises without refund.

Film Rating and Age Restrictions: Some films may carry age restrictions or require parental guidance. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with these guidelines. The cinema reserves the right to refuse entry or request age verification if necessary. Film Schedule Changes: In the event of film schedule changes, including cancellations or rescheduling, the cinema or ticketing platform will make reasonable efforts to notify ticket holders. However, they are not responsible for any inconvenience or costs incurred as a result.