Daughter of rage (La hija de todas las rabias)

Nicaragua, today. 11-year-old Maria lives with her mother Lilibeth at the edge of a garbage dump. Their future depends on selling a litter of purebred puppies to a local thug. When the deal falls through, Lilibeth must go to the city and drops Maria off at a recycling centre where she must stay and work. But days pass and she doesn’t return. Maria feels lost, bewildered and angry. One night, Maria meets Tadeo, an imaginative new friend who is determined to help her to reunite with her mother.

Director’s biography

Laura Baumeister was born in 1983, in Nicaragua. She graduated in film directing in Mexico. She has written and directed several short films. Her short Isabel Im Winter was screened in Cannes Critic’s Week 2014. Ombligo de agua/Water Navel has its world premiere at IFFR 2019. Daughter of Rage is her first feature. it premiered in TIFF 2022. Daughter of Rage is the fifth fiction film in the story of Nicaragua, the first to be shot by a female director born in Nicaragua.

Screening Date & Time

August 17, 2023
8:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 4
August 18, 2023
9:00 pm
Drive-In Cinema - Abdali
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Poster - Daughters of Rage
Director: Laura Baumeister
Genre: Drama
Year: 2022
Duration: 91 minutes
Rating: 16+
Country: France, Spain, Germany, Nicaragua, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway
Language: Spanish
Subtitling: English
Screenplay: Laura Baumeister
Cast: Ara Alejandra Medal, Virginia Sevilla, Carlos Gutierrez
Cinematography: Teresa Kuhn
Editing: Raúl Barreras, Julián Felipe (as Julian Sarmiento), Sarmiento López
Production: Halal, Heimatfilm, Promenades Films, Cardon Pictures, Dag Hoel Filmproduksjon, Nephilim Producciones
Awards: Jury Award and Critics Award - Biarritz Film Festival, Special Mention - Torino IFF, Best Film - Cuorum Morelia, Best Film Award - Sguardi Altrove, Cine Latino Jury Award - San Francisco IFF, Jury Prize - Minneapolis Saint Paul IFF
Début Status: Arab Première
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Poster - Daughters of Rage
 السنة: 2022
  التصنيف: 16+