Fragments From Heaven

Searching for stones in the vastness of the Moroccan desert may seem absurd. Unless these stones are celestial and have the power to change the lives of those who find them. That’s the story of Mohamed (a nomad), Abderrahmane (a scientist), and other bedouins. They all search for the same stone, but each one has his own reasons.

Director’s biography

Adnane Baraka (1987), a Moroccan independent filmmaker born and lives in Marrakech. After studying at ESAV film school in Marrakech/Morocco, Adnane graduated in directing in 2011. In 2010, he directed his first short documentary Talbanine, awarded in FIFE Casablanca. Fragments from heaven, his feature debut, is a film that Adnane has been working for 8 years. He is also a musician, researching in acoustic and synthetic sounds through InCave and SENT projects.

Screening Date & Time

August 18, 2023
6:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
August 19, 2023
10:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 4
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Fragments From Heaven - Poster
Director: Adnane Baraka
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2022
Duration: 84 minutes
Rating: 13+
Country: Morocco
Language: Arabic, French , Amizigh
Subtitling: English
Cinematography: Adnane Baraka
Editing: Carine Germain, Adnane Baraka
Production: Alpha Ursae Minoris Productions (Maroc) – Adnane Baraka, JPL Productions (France) – Jean-Pierre Lagrange
Début Status: Arab Première
ملخص الفيلم
سيرة المخرج

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Fragments From Heaven - Poster
 السنة: 2022
  التصنيف: 13+