
Under the heat of the sun at a Spanish archeological mission in northern Jordan, local workers dig the land for long hours. The wages are poor, and the cost of living is on the rise. Abo Dya, a Palestinian Jordanian, wants to provide a different life for his family, but a criminal record stymie his efforts.

Director’s biography

Alex Sardà, director based in Barcelona, has directed the feature documentary Hafreiat (15L Films, Al Jazeera, 2022), with its world premiere at Sheffield DocFest 2022. The film, with an international tour, has been awarded as best Spanish documentary at SEMINCI 2022 and with the special mention of the jury at Miradasdoc 2023.

His career includes his short films Gang, and Fuga. In June 2023 will start the shooting of Fam (15L Films, Canada), a new short film about family, heritage and privilege. The project is funded by the ICEC and the ICAA.

Screening Date & Time

August 16, 2023
8:00 pm
Royal Film Commission (RFC)
August 19, 2023
6:00 pm
Rainbow Theatre
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Poster - Hafreiat
Director: Alex Sardà
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2022
Duration: 79 minutes
Rating: 18+
Country: Jordan, Qatar, Spain
Language: Arabic
Subtitling: English, Spanish
Cinematography: Alex Sardà
Editing: Ariadna Ribas
Production: Carlota Coloma, Jumana Saadeh, Adrià Lahuerta
Awards: Miradasdoc- Festival Internacional De Documentales (2023) - Secciones Competitivas. Nacional - Mención especial del Jurado., Seminci - Semana Internacional De Cine De Valladolid (2022) - Doc. España - Premio DOC España
Début Status: Arab Première
ملخص الفيلم
سيرة المخرج

مكان وتاريخ العرض

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التذاكر المتوفرة

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Poster - Hafreiat
 السنة: 2022
  التصنيف: 18+