
As’ad and Taha barely scrape a living as rubbish pickers in ‘Hanging Gardens–’ the local nickname for Baghdad’s smouldering dumps– yet they make the most of what they have. One day, As’ad discovers an American sex doll. When he brings the taboo item home and presents her as a thing of beauty, Taha assaults his little brother for ruining their reputation. Little they know, their whole life will change because of this doll.

Director’s biography

Iraqi Director, Ahmed Yassin is a Berlinale Talents and London Film school alumnus. HIs MA graduation film Children of God (2013) won the Fipresci Award for best Arab short in Dubai Film Festival and best Live Action Short in Seoul Guro. UK-based Stray (2016) premiered in Uub competition at London Short Film Festival and toured internationally. His debut feature, Hanging Gardens, won the Jury of La Biennale di Venezia Prize at Final Cut (2021).

Screening Date & Time

August 20, 2023
8:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
August 21, 2023
10:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
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Hanging Gardens - New Updated Poster
Director: Ahmed Yassin Al Daradji
Genre: Drama
Year: 2022
Duration: 107 minutes
Rating: 18+
Country: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Iraq, UK
Language: Arabic (Iraq)
Subtitling: English
Screenplay: Ahmed Yassin , Margaret Glover
Cast: Wissam Diyaa as Taha , Jawad Al Shakarji as Al Haji , Hussain Muhammad Jalil as As’ad and Akram Mazen Ali as Amir.
Cinematography: Duraid Munajim
Editing: Kamal El Mallakh
Production: Huda Al Kadhimi - Ishtar Iraq Film Production Margaret Glover May Odeh - ODEH FILMS
Awards: Best Film - Red Sea Film Festival - 2022
Début Status: Jordanian Première
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Hanging Gardens - New Updated Poster
 السنة: 2022
  التصنيف: 18+