
All the theatres around the town are controlled by the Brown Suits Committee; an old-fashioned greedy middle-aged group, led by Mr. Ameen. Yomna, a young passionate theater-enthusiast, guides a group of actors into a revolutionary play to prevent Mr. Ameen from taking control of the last theater, the theater she works in, after witnessing that Khalil, the theater owner had sold himself to become a Brown Suits member. A series of confrontations and conflicts occur during the show in many sections of the theater between Yomna and Khalil over the importance of stopping the play as it is provoking Mr. Ameen and the Brown Suits Committee. Will Yomna succeed at completing the show?

Director’s biography

Samer Z.M. Battikhi is a film director and writer who has been working in film since 2015. He began his career as an assistant director, working with several veteran local and international filmmakers. He has directed, written, and produced several short films, most notably the film Arnoos that premiered at El Gouna Film Festival in 2021, and Kroka that premiered at the Red Sea International Film Festival in 2022. His new short film For Good Luck was produced after winning the Sunbird Stories Program. He is currently developing his first feature film To Each Their Own that was selected at the Red Sea Lodge in 2023.

Screening Date & Time

August 16, 2023
8:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 6
August 17, 2023
6:00 pm
Rainbow Theatre
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Poster - Kroka
Director: Samer Z.M. Battikhi
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Year: 2022
Duration: 15 minutes
Country: Jordan
Language: Arabic (Jordan)
Subtitling: English
Screenplay: Samer Z.M. Battikhi, Enad Bin Tareef
Cast: Rakeen Saad, Ahmad Srour, Khalid Al-Tarifi, Enad Bin Tareef
Cinematography: Samer Nimri
Editing: Essam Allan
Production: Samer Z.M. Battikhi, Enad Bin Tareef
Début Status: Jordanian Première
ملخص الفيلم
سيرة المخرج

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التذاكر المتوفرة

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Poster - Kroka
 السنة: 2022