Lawrence d’Arabie, Rêve d’Orient

At the age of twenty, T.E Lawrence went to visit the crusades castles in France and in the near east. In this initiatory journey, Lawrence brushed death, discovered the wonderful and astonishing region, and encountered someone who changed his life. Almost a century later, the well-known writer Sylvain Tesson travels on Lawrence’s steps, with the intention of tracing back the history of this mysterious adventure who started the legend of Lawrence d’Arabie.

Director’s biography

At 40 years old, Clément Gargoullaud is a director at Kraken Films (Paris-Seoul). He directs investigation documentaries for several international medias, such as France Télévision, Arte, Al Jazeera and Canal+. For 15 years, he covers multiple sensitive and historical subjects such as Irak “Shadows of the War” (France 3/TV5/SBS/NHK) and “A deadly Ascent” (Netflix Asia).

Screening Date & Time

August 19, 2023
6:00 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
August 22, 2023
5:30 pm
TAJ Cinema 5
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poster Lawrence
Director: Clément Gargoullaud
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2022
Duration: 65 minutes
Country: France
Language: French
Subtitling: Arabic (non-Arabic dialogue)
Cast: Sylvain Tesson, Thomas Goisque
Cinematography: Clément Gargoullaud, Mathilde Delvigne (Jordan)
Editing: Didier Maertens, assistants: Julien Bonnet and Amanda Léger
Production: Kraken Films
Début Status: Jordanian Première
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poster Lawrence
 السنة: 2022